Lelues Realm's Weblog

June 29, 2013

Micro: Crichton’s Last Dive In Science Shows Us The World Of Entomology

Micro By Michael Crichton and Richard Preston Smoothie Review

In 2007, we had a great loss. One of the world’s best science fiction writers, Michael Crichton died. But right after his death rumors swirled. Works were found on his computer. One was Pirate Latitudes. The other was a unfinished work, that the press refused to reveal any news about it for the longest while. Then out of nowhere, this work appears again. It is called Micro and was finished by Richard Preston, who wrote the “Hot Zone” which proves they found someone knowledgeable in at least one area of science.

So now you’re asking what is it about? It is about seven college students. Many who are experts in environmental sorts of science. One is a expert on spiders. Another studies plants and what not. Despite their somewhat typical portrayals, they are geniuses one way or another. And they are offered a job, at a secretive yet high income research place called Nanigen. But as they began to take off Peter, one of the college students, finds that his brother Eric who works at Nanigen dies under mysterious consequences. So as the students are excited about the new job. Peter uncovers the clue to his brother death. He finds that Nanigen is at fault.

Nanigen is revealed as a place finding and discovering natural resources that are too tiny to study. These include protozoan, fungi, resika and what not. They shrink people with machine like environment to go out into the rain forest and study it. But as Peter reveals his evidence about what happened to his brother, the owner Vin Drake shrinks them and in a crazy turn of events, they are thrown out into the rainforest to die. So there they must survive the wild and somehow make it back to Nanigen to get to normal size again before they die of bends. Bends are internal bleeding they can all die from in three days. It is side effect to being so small.

The good? Well despite the silliness of the imaginative shrink ray shrinking people, who go into the tiny world the entomology science is great. Since there was little detail in the beginning as well as science facts the book made up for it with the tiny world. Having just served a semester in entomology science at college , I loved every bit of it. The characters are realistic. You learn to love them as it goes on. And like always, the action is original and fun.

So the bad? Well there’s a twist about two thirds into the book. And it is a really big change in vibe, direction of the story and sudden instantaneous change of the lead character of the book. This is the part of the book where my jaw dropped. This something I never seen in a Crichton book and I feel this is where the book was left unfinished and Richard took over. The last third felt to me like I was reading another book. The ending also seemed too unreal to me. It involved a air battles between the students on tiny planes and killer flying nano bots. The bad guy, Vin Drake seemed evil in a cartoony fashion leading up the showdown. Also a character that is thought to be dead shows up randomly to be a lead again. The resurrection seemed to come out of nowhere. Overall, the whole book switched tones.

But overall, the books isn’t bad. I love the first two thirds. The last third, I’m not too sure about. I would not recommend this to die hard Crichton fan and science nerd like myself, at twenty dollars. But if you see it at a descent price, grab it. It has its good parts.

Overall rating: Crichton’s last dive in science shows us the world of entomology.

2 ¾ smoothies out of four.

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to http://www.freewebs.com/lelue/


June 15, 2013

The 10th Kingdom: A Charming Fantasy Made Up Of Fractured Fairy Tales

The 10th Kingdom By Kathryn Wesely Smoothie Review

When it comes to films and television, I’m pretty a big fantasy junkie. Tin Man. Alice. Neverland. Grimm. Once Upon a Time. Stardust. I can’t get enough. But somehow I managed to miss one. It is a ten year old miniseries that was called the 10th Kingdom. How it got by me? I’m not sure. And even though I can’t find the DVD at the moment, I managed to find the book.

So what is The 10th Kingdom? Well in the book, the 10th kingdom is our world. Through the looking glass is a whole another world consisting of nine kingdoms. The world is made up of scrambled fairy tale elements. There’s the Beanstalk Forest and the Snow White memorial prison. A place where the fairy tales were all true and our land is a fairy tale to them. But the story starts with Snow White’s grandson, prince Wendell, who is about to be king. Before that happens the evil step mother Queen with help of her trolls, captured him and have him switch bodies with a golden retriever, so she can manipulate the prince’s body in plot to take over his kingdom and wage war on the other eight. She commands trolls to kill the dog with prince’s soul. As the trolls do a terrible job with the task and lose the job, she hires a wolf (half human / half wolf) to track down the dog. Wendell accidentally stumbles through a magic mirror as he is on the run. And as he stumbles into our world, the lead character Virginia crashes into him as she rides her bike to work.

Virginia is a common sort of character. She is a girl who’s trying hard and wishing for a better life, but is stuck running in place. She’s in her mind twenties. She was waitress and still lives with her gambling drunk father. Something that we can all relate to. Life doesn’t go as planned. Everything changes toward the strange as she tries to help the dog. He starts writing messages trying to warn her of danger. Trolls are chasing her. Her father takes magic beans, that in a odd chain of events leads him to running from the police. And the bounty hunter Wolf find his conscience as he is struck by the magical “Love at first sight” when he meets Virginia. He sides against the evil queen to help Virginia, her father, and prince Wendell.

So the good? It’s fractured fairy tales. And even though this is a topic that has been done to death, the book done it well keeping things fresh while adding throwbacks to things such as Snow White and Repunzel. Also the characters are fun. The book is never boring because you like them so much. They are so quirky and flawed but lovable at the same time. They make many mistakes throughout the book, that would have been unforgivable, but because there is so much depth, and chemistry does work it isn’t a problem here. Chemistry is amazing in this book and that’s what gave it it’s charms. Something always happening. Dull moments do not exist. Even the love story is engaging. And for someone like me, who doesn’t like romances all that much, that’s saying a lot. I found myself turning every page to find out what would happen next.

That bad? Well the detail could be better. And the ending I felt to was very rushed. I felt maybe the author was tired ( And that is understandable at a 500 page mark) and wanted to do another project. I just felt that the ending lacked the detail and emotion it should have had. But then again I can be a pretty tough critic.

Overall, this is one of my favorites fantasies. It is up there with Percy Jackson, The Golden Compass and Looking Glass Wars. Is it new and original? No. But it surely is a inventive and wonderful read. So if you like fantasy ( that goes a step beyond the dungeons and dragons format) and you love fairy tales then this is what you need to read. It is perfect.

4 smoothies out of four.

Overall rating : A Charming Fantasy Made Up Of Fractured Fairy Tales.

P.S. If you like books then check out my book and ebook website Lelue’s Realm. Google it or go directly to http://www.freewebs.com/lelue/
